Welcome to our World of Inspiration

Step into a space where inspiration flows freely, nurturing the essence of who you are. Here, we share insights that light up the path of discovering yourself, stories that connect deeply with the human experience, and recommendations that spark your curiosity.

Explore captivating narratives that mirror your journey, alongside transformative creations that expand horizons. Immerse yourself in melodies that transcend time, and embrace meditation as a gateway to inner exploration.

Curiosity is our guide, leading us to explore interesting topics that help us better understand the world around us. This is a special place where you're encouraged to explore, engage, and find treasures that touch your heart and soul.

5 agreements

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

sacred geometry

Music plays a big role in my personal journey. It's like a guide that helps me exploring my feelings and thoughts. When I listen to music, it's like I'm taking a journey within, discovering new insights and feeling inspired. The sounds and rhythms of music help me understand my emotions and memories better. It's like a special language to me that helps me to express what words can't. So, when I hear music, I'm really going on an adventure into my own feelings and thoughts, and it's an important part of how I understand myself and how I experience life.

Music To Inspire & Touch the Soul

A glimpse into my Mind

While the heart holds the wisdom of intuition and emotion, the mind plays a crucial role in analyzing, conceptualizing, and understanding the world around us. It's the delicate balance between these two that guides us through life's choices, allowing us to embrace both logic and feeling as we navigate our journey. Together, the mind and heart create a harmonious duet, enriching our understanding and shaping our path.

“Challenging Misconceptions: Unveiling the Truth About Coaching”.

In the realm of misconceptions, let's debunk a few myths that seem to have taken root. Firstly, the notion that seeking the guidance of a coach signifies weakness couldn't be farther from reality. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Acknowledging that you could benefit from coaching is an act of strength, demonstrating your commitment to personal growth and improvement.

Furthermore, being a coach doesn't equate to being flawless. Coaches are not impervious to the struggles and challenges that life presents. They're not superheroes without their own battles to face. Rather, they've embraced the power of their experiences. They've traversed the ups and downs, gained insights from their journey, and found ways to turn their struggles into strengths.

Coaching doesn't imply a perfect existence; it signifies a willingness to learn and grow continually. It's an understanding that life is a tapestry woven from diverse experiences – moments of joy, trials, triumphs, and lessons. Coaches embark on this journey not as flawless guides but as fellow travelers who have learned to navigate the twists and turns, and who are here to lend a helping hand based on their own wisdom gained through living.


So, let's bid farewell to these misconceptions and embrace the truth: coaching is a beacon of empowerment, an acknowledgement of the human experience, and a celebration of the journey we all undertake to become the best versions of ourselves.

Let's dismantle another misconception that's woven into the fabric of our society. It's the idea that men should suppress their emotions, project an unwavering facade of strength, and refrain from discussing their feelings. This misguided conditioning often paves the way for struggles and suffering, leading some men to resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse, excessive behaviors, or emotional detachment.

In today's world, where I've witnessed firsthand the transformational journeys of many, it's evident that a significant portion of men grapple with societal norms that have perpetuated a distorted understanding of masculinity. The repercussions manifest as internal battles, where the ego clashes with authenticity, and emotional expression becomes a battleground.

The reality is that men, like all humans, encompass a spectrum of energies – masculine and feminine. Everywhere we turn in nature, the balance present in the yin-yang symbol is reflected. Consider the full moon – surrounded by darkness, it symbolizes the feminine energy, with the dark spot within representing the masculine energy. This harmony is the essence of life's equilibrium.

The suppression of feminine energy, often associated with emotions and vulnerability, creates an imbalance that can result in emotional turmoil and disconnection. The path to true strength involves dismantling these misconceptions, acknowledging the full range of human emotions, and cultivating a healthy balance of energies within. It's an awakening to the richness of vulnerability and authenticity.

Through guidance and awareness, men can shed the burdens of societal conditioning, embrace their emotional landscapes, and harmonize the masculine and feminine energies within themselves, fostering holistic well-being and a more authentic existence.

human design

"Taking Things Personally: A Pathway to Healing"

Continuing from where we left off, after reading "Challenging Misconceptions: Unveiling the Truth About Coaching," a client shared her thoughts with me: "I hope it doesn't offend any men." This remark, coming from a woman, exemplifies the deep-seated conditioning that influences our thinking. Let's take a moment to recognize that the intention behind writing the text was never to cause offense. Rather, it aimed to shed light on prevailing misconceptions. If, for any reason, you experienced resistance or offense while reading the text, it's important to acknowledge that sometimes truth can trigger reactions. It's a reminder of the influence conditioning can have on our perception.

In the complex landscape of psychology, there exists a phenomenon known as "projection" – a window into the depths of our subconscious minds and a key to unlocking our hidden facets. Have you ever noticed that what triggers you in others might hold a mirror to aspects of yourself that remain unexplored? This fascinating concept invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, where the shadows we cast onto others unveil the hidden corners of our own psyche.

Imagine this: you encounter someone whose traits or behaviors evoke strong emotions within you – perhaps irritation, anger, or envy. These emotional reactions might actually provide clues to aspects of yourself that you haven't fully embraced. It's as if a spotlight is cast on your own hidden desires, fears, or unresolved issues that are waiting to be acknowledged.

In the realm of psychology, projection is the mechanism that guides this intricate dance. It's the unconscious tendency to attribute our own thoughts, emotions, and traits, both positive and negative, onto those around us. When we perceive something in others that triggers an intense reaction within us, it often signifies that we're encountering a reflection of our own inner world.

The concept of projection invites us to peer into our shadows – those aspects of ourselves that we may have suppressed, denied, or not fully integrated. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung introduced the concept of the "shadow," representing the uncharted territories of our personality. This shadow harbors both the aspects we perceive as negative and those we're unaware of. Exploring our shadow can lead to profound self-awareness, personal growth, and a sense of wholeness.


By acknowledging our projections, we embark on a transformative journey. What we resist acknowledging within ourselves gains visibility through the lens of others, offering us an opportunity to heal, integrate, and grow. As we delve into our projections, we discover the keys to our own empowerment and self-mastery.

So, as you navigate the complex tapestry of your emotions and reactions, remember that every trigger is a gift – an invitation to explore the uncharted terrain of your inner landscape. Embrace your projections, unravel your shadows, and embark on a voyage of self-discovery that brings you closer to your authentic self.

“Whatever happens around you,

don’t take it personally…

Nothing other people do is because of you.

It is because of themselves.

- Miguel Ruiz-

It's crucial to remember that the experiences we encounter are rarely personal. As highlighted in Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Five Agreements," our individual perceptions of the world are shaped by a complex interplay of conditioning, life events, and personal growth. This realization is a powerful key to self-empowerment.

By taking full ownership of our emotions and experiences, we reclaim the control we might inadvertently hand over to others. Our lives are distinct narratives, and acknowledging this truth can be incredibly liberating. Our feelings, perspectives, and paths are uniquely our own, understood only by us.

While sharing our thoughts and feelings with others is important, it's essential to recognize that not everyone will fully comprehend our viewpoint. We are interconnected, and our interactions serve as opportunities for mutual growth and learning. Yet, expecting complete alignment in understanding may lead to frustration.

Embracing the wisdom of not taking things personally opens the door to self-exploration. This mindset encourages us to use triggers – those moments when external factors elicit reactions – as catalysts for personal evolution. As we navigate our inner landscape, we transform these triggers into stepping stones for growth, refining our communication and deepening our self-awareness. In essence, adopting the practice of not taking things personally offers a path to internal growth, personal authenticity, and more profound connections with ourselves and others. It's a reminder that our individual journey is a canvas we shape, and the power to paint it resides within us.

“The Exhaustion Created by Online Competition.”

It's almost contradictory but true. Society hasn't created ambitious people or made us manifesting creatures. We have become slaves to a system that tells us all individuals work the same and function the same energetically, which leads to frustration, bitterness, and burnouts.

For many years, I've had periods where I felt bitter because no matter how hard I tried to create a business, it just didn't work out. Today, I've identified several possible causes that often challenge me not to fall into that same bitter feeling about the world.

First of all, most of us are conditioned and raised in a society that thrives on our fears, insecurities, and lack of self-worth. Understanding that this has been ingrained in our system for a very long time while growing up is inevitable, as our educational system is designed this way. It doesn't focus on building confident, self-loving young adults. Instead, it creates a system that doesn't allow failure and is focused on external validation. A prime example of this is social media.

We've reached a point where we almost have to spend our precious time every day promoting ourselves on social media platforms, hoping that some people recognize us and give us a chance to showcase our talents. So, if we translate this in other words, society has created a system where our worthiness depends on the approval of other people rather than on our self-esteem. How did we ever let this happen? Even more importantly, why would we subject our kids to this system before they've had a chance to develop their sense of self-worthiness?

Our technological advancements should enhance connections and promote valuable businesses and causes, but paradoxically, people have never felt more disconnected and longed for real connection. Rates of depression and suicide have never been higher. So, it's essential to act as conscious human beings and ask ourselves why.


Truth be told, I've never been a technical wizard, but I take pride in creating a fully functioning website that looks amazing to me. What strikes me is that for several years, I've been passionate about guiding and helping people connect more with their inner wisdom. My purpose is well-intentioned, and I only strive to share content that encourages people to reflect on their lives. However, the result is that I have only a handful of followers.

I'm not alone in this, as I've noticed that many people trying to bring consciousness back to society often struggle to find their way. I don't intend to attack anyone specifically, but it's an observation that many superficial profiles with little to no content gain a massive following. This underscores my point that our society's focus is primarily external, which leads to our internal struggles.

Another point to consider is that, speaking my truth, I must admit that for a very long time, I unconsciously played a part in this. Even among people who share the same intentions—making the world a better place and fostering consciousness—a sense of competition has arisen, fueled by the existence of social media. This competition has gone so far that, instead of promoting and supporting each other in a common cause, understanding that the universe is abundant, we sometimes feel jealous and fail to support one another.


If we think in terms of vibrational energy, we must realize that everything in life that belongs to you and resonates with your energy will come to you. So, 95% of the people focusing on superficial content will never vibrate on the same frequency as someone who wants to create more consciousness. We can only hope that we are planting a seed, and as time goes on, more and more people will find their way back to what truly matters.

Until then, I'll do my best to support people who share the same messages that I spread and who have the same goals as I do. We are all unique, with unique talents, and there can never be enough people spreading love and consciousness in their own unique ways!

Books To Inspire & Transform your life

I wouldn’t be the person I am today without all the inspiring books I’ve read over the years. I just love books about consciousness and understanding oneself better. It’s impossible to share all of them here, although I will try to make a selection of books that have transformed my life for the better, hoping it will have the same impact on your life too.

power of now
ups & downs
subconscious beliefs

Food is Medicine

Probably one of the easiest ways to have a direct impact on our health and at the same I have seen over the years how many people struggle so hard to eat the right food that keep them healthy, give energy and maintain a healthy bodyweight. There is an oversupply on bad and unhealthy foods making people sick and confused. We have lost contact with what is natural and what our body needs. Although we live in an era of information, most people don’t manage to change their lifestyle. Conditioned behavior and beliefs are keeping us away from living the best, most healthy and authentic life.

The purpose of this section is not to write entire recipe books, but to give you an insight in what Hippocrates already knew more than 2000 years ago: “ Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”

Bulletproof Coffee

  • Bulletproof is famous for its signature coffee, and for good reason. The mix of high-quality coffee beans with powerful fats increases your focus, banishes hunger and cravings, and spurs weight loss.

    • 1 cup (8-ounces) hot, freshly brewed black coffee (I use Noordcode coffee which is lab tested on aflatoxins and moulds). Ideally brewed with a French press.

    • 1 to 2 tablespoons grass-fed unsalted butter or ghee, or to taste (Noordcode is a good alternative).

    • 1 to 2 teaspoons MCT oil, or to taste (I prefer the pure C8, also built it up because MCT oil can have a laxative effect on the GI system If you’re not used to it).

    • I definitely recommend 2-3 tbs high quality collagen.

    • Extra’s can be: cinnamon, vanilla powder, a spoon of pure cacao powder, chaga powder, cordyceps, lion’s mane, reishi.

  • 1) Brew 1 cup (8-12 ounces) of coffee using high quality coffee (beans or roasted).

    2) Add coffee, MCT C8 oil and ghee to a blender.

    3) Blend 20-30 seconds until it looks like a creamy latte.

    4) Add the collagen and blend 5 sec, just enough to mix it.

Blueberry Avocado Smoothie

  • This blueberry avocado smoothie is creamy, high in protein, made with just a few simple natural ingredients, and the most beautiful purple color.

    It’s the perfect breakfast, snack or post workout drink to get through your day!

    • 1 cup of frozen wild blueberries.

    • 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon

    • 250-300 ml plant based milk

    • 2 tablespoons raw cacao nibs

    • 1/2 avocado or 1 small avocado

    • 2 tablespoons of mix seeds

    • Extra’s can be: 1 (frozen) banana, 2 tablespoons of plant based protein powder, nut butter, collagen powder

  • 1) Add all ingredients into a blender and blend 45-60 sec

    2) Pour it in a bowl or a glass and put toppings on it

    3) Toppings can be some pecan nuts, extra blueberries of other berries, some extra seeds as pumpkinseeds, coconut flakes, small pieces of dark chocolate ( let your imagination run!)