Let me share a little bit more about myself

As the saying goes, 'There are no coincidences in life.' With this in mind, I warmly welcome you to my website. The fact that you've arrived here seems to underline the interconnectedness of our journeys. Let's embark on this exploration together, acknowledging the meaningful connection that has led you to this space."

You might find you can relate to my story…

Step into my world, where it's all about YOU. Creating Your Own Universe. Life, with all its complexity, brings both highs and lows. Each of these experiences holds equal importance and serves as a necessary part of our journey, allowing us to grow and learn. Interestingly, it's often in our lowest moments, our valleys, that we find the greatest opportunities for growth and healing, which can ultimately lead to higher peaks. This phenomenon is something I can deeply relate to.

While it's easier for me to reflect on my childhood now, during my transformative years, being a kid was quite a challenge. Being a child of divorced parents added an extra layer of complexity. Throughout my childhood, a combination of factors caused me to lose myself repeatedly, resulting in behavior that was far from my true self. I've always been a sensitive person, needing moments of solitude and often withdrawing from the world.

Navigating the teenage years was exceptionally challenging. During this time, one strives to establish their own identity and can be easily influenced, especially when grappling with a tumultuous sea of negative emotions. Society often fails to teach us how to deal with emotions effectively, and many adults struggle with this too, having never learned these crucial skills in their youth.


Soon, I began facing various physical challenges, from frequent illnesses to injuries that required surgeries during my involvement in soccer. I'd say my journey of personal development truly began around the age of 16 when I began to feel different and became almost acutely aware that I needed to change in order to fit in. I increasingly chose to embark on a journey of healing my past, recognizing that certain unresolved issues were preventing me from being the joyful child I once was, as my mother often reminded me: "What happened? You used to be such a happy kid." Life happened. I decided to seek the guidance of a psychologist, with the aim of altering my beliefs, reconditioning my mindset, and discovering my authentic self.

My struggles in life led me to develop a deep passion for health and consciousness. I'm immensely grateful that these challenges ignited my enthusiasm for life, well-being, and consciousness. I discovered a true calling in reconnecting with my soul and helping others do the same. My educational journey began with studies in physiotherapy, osteopathy, and manual therapy. Although my focus initially revolved around the physical and scientific aspects of life, I always sensed that something was missing (or there was a deeper layer to it). I felt that there was more to existence than met the eye, which drove me further into the realms of nutrition, orthomolecular science, meditation, breathwork, and other transformative practices.

Despite my continued exploration, I found myself grappling with highs and lows, often experiencing more of the latter. For a significant period, I struggled with solitude, using emotional eating as a coping mechanism. While I maintained a healthy diet for about 90% of the time, the weekends, when I was alone, presented a different challenge. Internally, I had already done substantial personal work, yet there was much more to uncover.


At the age of 27, I suffered my third knee operation. A renowned specialist told me that sports might no longer be suitable for me. This was something I couldn't and wouldn't accept. Movement had always been an integral part of my identity and human evolution. More than ever, I dedicated myself to self-care, engaging in rigorous study, research, and exploration. I firmly believed in the miraculous capacity of the human body to heal itself, provided the right conditions were created. Today, at the age of 40, I can confidently proclaim that I continue to engage in sports. I still compete in soccer, cycled up Mount Ventoux, run, practice gymnastics, surf, and more – all without pain. The body can indeed heal itself; all it requires is the appropriate environment, shaped by nutrition, sleep, supplements, and exercises, including mobility routines.

My most profound transformation occurred when I embarked on a journey of self-healing through plant medicine. My first journey, and the subsequent ones, forever altered the course of my life. I started to perceive life differently, experiencing conscious self-love for the first time in my life. I ceased to struggle with solitude; instead, I began to cherish and appreciate it more and more. Although these plant medicine experiences led me to confront old pains and traumas, I can confidently assert that they constitute the most beautiful chapters of my life. They brought me closer to my life's purpose and true passion. This in combination with diving into learning and exploring Quantum Human Design is probably the most powerful combination I’ve ever experienced (and I have done many explorations over the past 25 years).

Throughout this journey, I acquired a plethora of valuable techniques, made peace with my ego (not kill it), and learned that true growth stems from self-education, taking full responsibility, practicing radical honesty with oneself, and understanding that the ongoing journey is more important than the destination. Without the personal struggles and experiences in my life, I would never have become the person and coach I am today. Hence, I am immensely grateful for the most challenging moments in life, recognizing that they bring healing and enable us to live authentically.

Nature emerged as a pivotal aspect of my life. It's a realm I yearn for, one that connects me with both myself and the universe. While this might sound unusual to some, I firmly believe that many people understand what I'm talking about. Nature's effects have been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, slowing down your breathing, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It's my sanctuary, whether I'm strolling through a forest, hiking in the mountains, surfing in the ocean, or simply spending time with my cats. Nature's beauty serves as a mirror, reflecting the inner beauty within us all.

All of this lead to creating first One Life and later on OneTrueLife, where I invite people to let go of all the masks and guide them from my own experience. So, as you step into my world, remember that your journey is an evolving masterpiece. Each experience is a stroke of brilliance, contributing to the intricate canvas that is your life.

Together, let's navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery, unravel the mysteries within, and celebrate the profound journey that is uniquely yours.

Tell me, what do you long to experience in this lifetime?

I would love to guide you to make it happen…

Carl Sanders


Time to take on a new adventure and discover your One True Life